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VSP Management Company

Serving our Veterans

VSP a Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB) Certified by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE). The “Client” wants to show support for the sacrifices veterans have made, but a corporate decision isn’t just about patriotism. They know that they can trust a veteran-owned business for quality services in a timely manner. Supporting veterans is just good for business. 

 Supporting veterans is just good for business. 

People want to do business with companies that support the men and women who serve and have served our country. Being friendly to the military and to veterans is simply a good business practice.

VA certified Veteran Owned Small Business

VSP - 365 Live View Support



VSP - Veteran Staffing Professionals 

is an organization which matches employers to employees.

 Licensed and Insured


Residential  Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning

Specialty Cleaning

Detailed Cleaning

Organizational Services

Free cleaning estimates, Guaranteed satisfaction,    Licensed and Insured  

Marketing Management

VSP - Veteran Sales Professionals

providing a professional Marketing plan for your business needs.

 Licensed and Insured 

Management Support

VSP - Veterans Strong Professionals

Management support for your business for a short- or long-term period, A great way to supplement key services withing your business.

 Licensed and Insured 

Veterans are Goal-oriented

Very few professions focus exclusively on goal completion — but one that does is the military. 

Veterans are trained in engineered environments that target nothing but mission achievement, and military personnel are taught to exercise collaboration, cooperation and personal development in order to achieve their targets.

Veterans Don’t Give Up

Worried about team morale? 

Hire a veteran. 

Military personnel are trained to be relentless in achieving their goals, and they can help your team show more initiative in order to overcome monumental hurdles.

Veterans Take Responsibility Seriously

From day one, military personnel are trained to take their jobs extremely seriously. They have it drilled into them that stupid mistakes, bad decisions or blatant oversights can get their comrades seriously hurt — or worse. You can’t unlearn that, and so veterans will usually bring that enviable level of precision into the workplace

"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."

-John F. Kennedy

  • veteran definition /ˈvedərən,ˈvetrən/    
  • a person who has had long experience in a particular field. 
  • a person who has served in the military.


Join the TEAM and Experience the Difference

Serving Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana 

© 2023 CVE - VOSB

Veteran Owned Small Business

PO Box 73223

Bellevue, KY 41073-0223


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